So I tried out meditating tonight. I decided my brain was the equivalent of a rush hour traffic jam. Maybe it's more like the equivalent of the autohahnen in Germany. I am going 90 mph all the time. I think about so many things at one time and sometimes it is a little overwhelming. Combining a stressful job with being sick for a while and missing boyfriend and my Mom makes for a very wound up Tera so what is my solution? Good old fashioned meditation. And how did I learn meditating you might wonder... The never fails know all of the internet. Obviously you can learn to do anything on the internet (even sweet sweet meditation). So I found a site that told me all about the steps to meditation. Here is how they worked out for me:
1. Sit down, close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Breathe automatically and freely and do not try to control it. ( that really how I sound when I breathe?!?)
2. After you feel comfortable, begin counting each breath breathing in, one..... breathing out, two... (try not to think about the dog nose that just touched your hand... meditating is hard when others are around)
3. If you start to feel your thoughts begin to wander to anything besides breathing be aware of this and focus back on your breathing ( that funky music white boy... Seriously?!? That's what you are going to think about?)
4. Breathing in, 39...breathing out, 40... breathing in, 31. (Crap. I think I lost count)
5. If you start to notice other things in the room (dogs snoring, lizards sleeping) just shut them out of your mind and keep your concentration on your breathing.
6. Now begin noticing the other things in the room and stretch a little bit. (begin noticing?)
7. Great job. (?)
I think I will try this meditation business again. Apparently, you are supposed to get better and then eventually you can start using mantra's instead of counting. YEEEE I would love to focus on a fantastic mantra. Oh the possibilities.