Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I went to Zumba tonight with VMN! Imagine a tall girl and a short girl shaking their booties with a hodgepodge of other women (and one man). Here is a visual of what the height difference might look like

And here is what the booty shaking might look like

It was so much fun. A few people 'V' and I work with do this on a regular basis (one girl teaches a class) and we have heard good things for so long we decided it was time... Oh boy was it. I looked over at her a few times and she was laughing hysterically. Imagine dancing your heart out for an hour and not really even realizing you are burning a lot of calories until you are covered with sweat at the end of the class. Throw in a lot of "You can do it"'s and "WOOO"'s, booty shake shake shake and a lot of women bouncing around a giant fluorescent lit room.

= win.