Thursday, February 3, 2011

2 hours-ish on a stationary bike today

I left work at about 5:05 knowing I would need that extra few minutes to get to the gym on time. It took me 50 minutes to get somewhere that usually takes me 20-25! Jeez, snow and ice, you guys are uninvited. This is Texas for crying out loud! One of two things happened in the ten minutes from the time our workout session started to the time I arrived (late). One: They changed the website from earlier in the afternoon when I checked it and we really didn't have class tonight or Two: I was late and no one else showed up either so C left. It's hard to say if option two was a blessing in disguise or not. I could have had my very own personal trainer session, but it wouldn't have been any session. The gym was closed for two days which means C probably had some pent up muscle man trainer stuff going on and I would have been an out let for a work out beating. Dilemma: To tell or not to tell? So do I go in tomorrow and say I tried to come in today or not? If I say I tried to come in and I'm not sure if they were open or not then I am late either way. Late = push-ups. Tough decision.

I did work out tonight. I actually just finished a little while ago. I told myself I could watch Grey's Anatomy and Jersey Shore only if I rode the stationary bike so I rode through the whole thing. I don't watch a lot of TV, but maybe this is a good idea for the future. I am working out and doing something I don't regularly get to do. I guess it's a choice... I could A: make a skirt for my car (hehe) or B: watch television. This choice is obvious... Option A had a 'hehe' after it so it is naturally the correct answer. I feel like I biked right by my blah day at work and I am ready to step it up tomorrow. I need some new plans since Saturday is my last official day at UBS. Some fantastically fantastic plans...

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