Sunday, February 6, 2011

Food, Football and a haircut?

I love a good Superbowl party just like the next person. We made some pretty awesome food. It's funny how many things with bacon show up at superbowl parties.

You can't tell what HBO is doing here, but she is painting a steak with bacon wrapped around it... a sirloin mignon if you will

I opened a bottle of champagne with a knife...(this is always impressive to me ever since I saw Cameron Diaz do it on Charlies Angels and What Happens in Vegas) (video of this awesome event coming soon)

As we were watching the news after the Superbowl and I saw the surprised Superbowl goers as they realized they were getting the shaft from Jerry Jones because of the unsafe extra seating in Cowboys stadium I started to feel a little support for ol' J.J. because he didn't put these people in danger. (I'm sure he didn't want to read headlines of 'Jerry Jones kills 800...' on the news tomorrow) I thought to myself "Way to go, Jerry, for putting the safety of the people above the sales and then realized... The fire marshall and the NFL probably had the most to do with that.

We have had a pretty crazy week here due to all the snow and ice. I have an appreciation for things outside my house and I must admit I had a bit of the cabin fever. I went for a walk the other day and fell at least half a dozen times because the ice under the snow was so unbelievably slippery. I made it to the gym every single day however and I am still happy about that. Yay me!

I also gave my brother a haircut tonight. This may not be too impressive to people who are hairdressers and coordinated, but I am neither of these things so it is a little brave for little B to even ask me to cut his hair. **Little B is 6'3" and I am not** I can't say I did a fantastic job, but I was a little bit impressed with my work. B wasn't as impressed as he could have been :)

I guess it is a teensy bit important to know what he looked like as a "Before" I wasn't actually smart enough to realize this until after I already cut his hair so... Here is a picture of him about 3 weeks ago

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