Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Spinning (Not the day 23 kind)

I like a day off, but I like to be the one to choose the day. I don't like feeling trapped and trapped was what I was today. My car will not move. I cannot drive it even a few inches right now. I am stuck on the street in front of my house because my back wheels just keep spinning on the ice.

An added bonus is that I think my cable for my emergency brake is frozen because it will not disengage so I am pretty much stuck. Luckily, my work, my dentist and the gym were all closed today so all they things I had planned were unplanned pretty quickly. Tomorrow is a different story though. Right now my work is supposed to open at 10am. I guess we will see how that goes. I should do something good tomorrow now that I probably won't be able to get anywhere. I bet I could if I didn't live 30 miles away from work and my car wasn't choosing to suck it up. I'm seeing a girl in the street with an extension cord and a hair dryer underneath her car in the near future... (nah. too cold)

My aunt told me about some kids passing her house on ice skates with hockey sticks earlier. Maybe I could fashion my own ice skates out of ice... i seem to have a plethora of that right now. (time to get creative)

On a positive note. Dad is up in KC-K and there is snow starting to pile up on his windows on the back porch and boyfriend is in Chicago and he just watched a Hummer get blown around on the top of a parking garage by the wind. It can always be windier, colder and crazier.
At least the Packers could laugh at us while they got escorted by sand trucks to Cowboys stadium from their hotel in Irving this morning for Media Day!!

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